Our Story | Mrcrowleysrubs
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I remember when my first child was born.  I looked into to her beautiful little face and felt an overwhelming surge of love for this little miracle swell up inside me.  I remember marveling at her tiny little hands and feet and for the first time it really hit me….. I am Mom.  At the same time I also felt a fierce protectiveness for this tiny little being build up inside me.  I now understood those stories of Moms who were able to perform super human feats of strength to protect their child.  I knew I would always love her and do anything to protect her because I am Mom.


Fast forward 20 plus years and my little girl has grown up and was starting off on her life and career when the first indication of trouble appeared.  It started as just a sore neck, little did I know that we had started down the rabbit hole of what was to turn out to be years of doctors and emergency rooms.  The pain in her neck spread and was now widespread with still no true diagnosis.  


After four long years, the doctors finally come up with a diagnosis, Fibromyalgia.  Okay, great we can deal with this.  It has a name and the doctors came up with a treatment plan that combined pain meds, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers.  I grew up in a family where my mom worked in medicine and two family members had life-long medical conditions controlled by medication so once we had a name for what was causing my daughters pain I thought we were on our way to managing my daughters fibro and getting her life back on track.   Right? 


After several years of taking numerous medications my daughter started having other problems and the medications only helped her pain a little.  On to another doctor who determined that the meds were causing liver damage and she needed to eliminate them as soon as possible but they had no other solution to help with her fibro pain.  Well, that’s not acceptable.  I am Mom, I have to find something to help my daughter’s pain.  After months of research I started making my own pain rub.  I made the Lavender formula that I thought would work for her, just need to try it out on my daughter.  We tried it on one shoulder first and within minutes it had helped her pain. On to the next painful spot and the next, each time it helped her pain.


After a few months of my daughter controlling her pain using the pain rub I had other family members who told me about their aches and pains.  I did more research and found essential oils that would help their problems so now we have Black Ginger for my mother-in-law’s arthritis, Wintergreen for my husband’s sciatica pain and Peppermint for my youngest daughter’s migraines.  We started giving our rubs to other family and friends that shared with their friends and before I knew it we had so many requests for the rubs that we started Mr. Crowley’s Rubs.


I have heard the old saying that “necessity is the mother of invention” now I know what this means because I am Mom.




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